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Diana Jenkins

Why Aussie kids love audio books

Children’s audio books are gaining in popularity in Australia, rescuing some reluctant readers and even creating a few budding young authors along the way.Parents desperate to dislodge kids from devices are using an ancient art made modern:…

Why Australia’s new dads may not be OK

While peri- and postnatal depression and anxiety in women is well known, men can suffer these conditions as well.The sight of a newborn has new poignancy in the pandemic. Having a baby is wonderful, but it is challenging even without Covid.…

Mel Doyle’s unmissable new TV special

Melissa Doyle’s new show takes viewers on a healing journey that covers tough topics such as anorexia, online bullying and sexual abuse.Much-loved media doyenne Melissa Doyle returns to Australian screens this week in a one-hour Foxtel…

Jimmy Rees’ surprising career move

He’s best known as the former host of Giggle and Hoot. Now, Jimmy Rees has taken on a new role in a bid to teach kids an important lesson.Comedian Jimmy Rees goes by Jimmy Giggle, The Guy Who Decides Packaging and now he has added author to…

Part ways with your ex, not your assets

Covid-19 breakups have thrown the spotlight on how to deal with finances as the pandemic plays havoc with relationships.Along with multiple lockdowns, rising stresses on the average couple include job losses, ludicrous property prices and…

Why making up stories is good for your child

Choosing your own adventure is one of childhood’s greatest gifts – and ongoing Covid challenges and restrictions make it even more crucial for kids. Experts say the joys of escapism and the ability to “control the narrative” both mean that…