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blood circulation

Benefits of Exercise on Sexual Health

Maintaining an active lifestyle and eating healthy is the need of the hour. Most of us try to atleast work out 3-4 days a week. Experts say an array of ailments can be done away with if a person indulges in regular workouts. And, now, as…

Grim reason you should never hold in a fart

On average, we pass wind around 14 times a day – but some people hold it in and experts have warned against doing this.Passing wind, letting one go, having a trump – whatever you call it, we all do it.But sometimes it might not be the right…

Diet that helps with ‘better sex’

A sexpert has revealed the diet that helps “increase your libido”, claiming the cuisine will make for better partners between the sheets.If you want to ensure you’re giving it all you’ve got between the sheets, then follow a Mediterranean,…