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acne treatment

What Is Cystic Acne And Ways To Get Rid Of It

Cystic acne is a natural occurrence and one cannot completely eliminate it. But, it can be easily controlledCystic acne may appear as a result of the blocking of skin pores by germs, oil, and dry skin cells.There are several types of skin…

These 4 Tips Can Help You Fight Acne Issues

There is no shortcut to success and this applies for all those who need to combat their acne troubles. It may so seem that acne shows up at the worst times: when you just need it gone immediately. Unfortunately, there is no magic eraser to…

PCOS and acne: All you need to know

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is one of the most common issues affecting women around the world. It is a complex hormonal and reproductive disorder. In addition to its effect on a woman’s reproductive health, it also causes…