Women’s Day Special: Sara Khan says, ‘My father didn’t exactly welcome me at birth, but today he is proud of me’ – Exclusive – Times of India
What is that one thing you’ve done as a woman that makes you proud?
We need to move on from this “woman thing” and treat woman just as casually as men. Both genders deserve a secure and encouraging environment.
What are the important things needed in a place to create a supportive and safe environment for women both at home and in the workplace?
Offering people the freedom of expression allows them to pursue whatever interests them, free from caste or religious prejudices.
What does freedom of expression mean to you?
It was very gratifying for me and for my family to be able to express ourselves, as we have emerged from a small town. I have built my own reputation.
What will it take to eradicate the negative perception associated with feminism?
We have to stop thinking of ourselves as inferior, put an end to women opposing women and commenting on issues like ‘should they stay unmarried’. Women need to stop being hostile to each other – we have nothing to gain doing that and more than enough to lose. To enhance womanhood, women need to support other women.
Who has been your biggest support in life and why?
At the beginning, I had no one to turn to for help, but if I persevered, God was always there to give me a hand.
How can men contribute to achieving equality and mutual respect?
By promoting gender equality at home, work space and wherever they can.
Have you faced any kind of discrimination as a woman compared to your male counterparts, be it at home or the workplace?
When I was born, I wasn’t welcomed by my father and when I got to know about how he feels I made sure I make some difference through my existence. Today he is proud of me.
What are your expectations from men for creating a healthy, long-lasting relationship and keeping the spark alive?
Well, people say that relationships must be effortless, but I believe for any relationship or a healthy relationship you must keep putting efforts, and it’s important to be aware of what we have in the form of our partner.
Did you ever have body image issues? How did you overcome them?
People have often commented that I am skinny. But I just love myself and my body. I never needed to overcome any judgement.
How would you address the issue of pay disparity when it comes to gender comparisons?
That is sure shot discrimination. What can I say, the people sitting on those positions creating this gap must work on it.
Have you ever faced unwelcome sexual advances from your co-workers? How did you tackle a tricky situation like that?
Fortunately I have never faced it. But I believe it’s completely on you, how much you allow people to get close to you.
What advice would you like to give to your younger self?
To never procrastinate with work.
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