VIN stands for a vehicle identification number. It represents a 17-digit number engraved into the chassis of a car that acts as the car’s sole identity code. Its importance starts to manifest immediately after you purchase the car or even before. Every car has got a non-imitable VIN that is used in the specific identification.
It can be likened to a fingerprint in humans, which turns out to be unique. The reason why this VIN exists in the first place is the fact that there are millions of cars in the world and there’s a need to have a unified mode of tracking for identification purposes.
Why Do You Need a VIN?
Inspection of a car’s Vehicle Identification Number is the safest way of establishing the true identity of that car. Some of the important reasons behind carrying out Faxvin checks are outlined below.
Purchase of a used car
For some unavoidable reasons, people may decide to take a second-hand car, especially from a private party. This trend is very common and the most important part of this deal is running the VIN of any car before the closure of any contract. The successful running of this code can give you vast information about the car’s performance before and any defects it may have undergone before landing on the market. It simply clears any doubt by ensuring that the seller is upfront with all information regarding the car.
Safety recalls
With VIN, safety is guaranteed since frequent recalls on defective parts are normally frequently made. This is vital since the chances of accidents are gradually reduced. To the manufacturer, it always comes with the advantage of avoiding lawsuits, since the frequent notifications help them to recall and repair defective parts and prevent their names from being drugged inside the court.
Avoid theft
The most important aspect for every car owner is a sense of safety in the purchase of the car. With VIN, one can track their car effortlessly. One may change the number plate on the car, but one thing they cannot alter is the VIN. If the VIN is registered under you, then it means that the car is indisputably yours regardless of the plate number.
Where Can One Find the VIN?
The places where one can get this unique code are as listed below.
- Near the driver’s side dashboard;
- Where the vehicle title is engraved;
- Inside the owner’s manual;
- Police reports can also contain the car VIN;
- The vehicle registration card also normally has the VIN;
- The insurance records of the vehicle are also a good source;
- Driver’s side door frames.
A VIN can disclose a lot of critical evidence about a vehicle. If you have a plan of acquiring a new car, use its VIN to obtain data on the car’s historical background. But don’t halt at a vehicle’s past account. Be sure to take a test drive and get the vehicle scrutinized by an independent mechanic who can recommend its dependability before acquisition.