‘The triple bottom line is better than ESG to measure a company’s financial, environmental and social performance’
Q. What is the core of your research?
A. My research is best known for two innovations in measurement — Activity Based Costing (ABC), which examines the costs of goods and services for producers, and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) which is a more robust management approach than just looking at financial measures. The BSC recognises the importance of financial performance but also states the drivers of future financial performance — these include success with customers, brilliance in processes that create value for customers and shareholders and learning and growth which are about employees, technology and culture. This is the foundation for excellence in internal performance that again creates value. These methodologies’ initial motivation was to improve the performance of for-profit corporations — over the last twenty years, we’ve seen the opportunity of using these to address environmental and societal issues.
Q. How does the BSC help address these?
A. When the BSC began, it was about four perspectives — financial, customers, processes and learning and growth. But when we started working with leading companies, we realised the most important measures help to describe, communicate and implement strategy. We saw a pattern in organisations’ use of the BSC which we linked to a visual tool called the strategy map. This represents cause and effect linkages — it starts with people, technology and culture. Being good at those drives improvements in business and process measures — this creates more value and results in strong financial measures. We then began to apply the BSC also to government bodies, NGOs and non-profit organisations. For them, the customer perspective was the creation of meaningful value for their citizens and constituents. So, the BSC evolved to feature this. Next, we met companies which wanted to improve the environment and strengthen communities they worked in. So, the BSC introduced high level objectives for environmental and societal performance through measures like improved benefits to communities. One interesting case study was Amanco, a company in Latin America that made water pumps and pipes which were used for irrigation and waste water treatment. Using the BSC, the company could actually trace how effective usage of their goods and services was improving farmers’ incomes and the environment by cleaning water — the improved water then made farmers more productive. This was a win-win situation — customers gained higher incomes, the community benefitted from cleaner water and more economic activity and the company had more sales.
Q. Why do you say the BSC’s triple bottom line approach is a more rigorous way to tackle environmental and societal concerns than ESG?
A. The triple bottom line is ESG without the ‘G’ — it’s about environmental and social aims with financial objectives. Usually, an acronym, like JIT for ‘Just-In-Time’ or TQM for ‘Total Quality Management’, conveys a single concept which is shortened. But ESG is not a single concept — measuring environmental, societal and governance performance is each very different. There is no way of getting outcome measurements for governance since this is a process. Environment is more feasible as this is about measuring physical things. Societal objectives can also be measured with a consensus on social needs. With a triple bottom line approach, companies think about their environmental and societal impacts alongside their financial objectives — by putting these on their scorecard and strategy map, they make these factors discussable. So, when a new project appears, it isn’t evaluated only by its financial outcomes but also its environmental and social impacts. This can make decisions harder but more well considered — it also helps companies have a better mix of investments and strategies. Our belief is that, ‘If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it’. Companies must measure their environmental and societal performance as rigorously as their financial performance. The triple bottom line approach is preferable since ESG is quite fuzzy with a lack of rigorous standards. For real progress, we need auditable measurements.
Q. Has public concern over businesses’ environmental and social impacts grown?
A. Absolutely. There has been a marked difference over the last ten years. Customers, employees and communities are concerned and companies will have to become more accountable on these issues. There are auditable ways forward. With Karthik Ramanna at Oxford University, I’ve been working on a new way to measure greenhouse gases (GHG) in business and consumer operations. Using proper costing approaches extended to greenhouse gases, we can measure the GHG content of all the outputs of any company. When customers purchase these, they aren’t only buying a product but will also absorb the GHG used in its production which they can measure themselves. With this new E-liability approach, it becomes possible to measure GHG over a company’s entire supply chain.
Views expressed are personal
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