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Professional wrestling

How did the Milwaukee Bucks ever win a title?

I won’t pretend to be any kind of basketball expert, and my brethren here will spend the day breaking down the Milwaukee Bucks coughing up a curd-ridden hairball in the first round to the Miami Heat. But I know a deer caught in headlights…

You never go full heel

Ted DiBiase Jr. (l.) has been charged in connection to the Mississippi welfare scandal.Photo: Rick Scuteri/AP Images for WWE (AP)Former WWE superstar Ted DiBiase Jr. has been charged in connection with the now-infamous Mississippi welfare

CM Punk is gaslighting AEW

Here we are again. The whispers have become a rumble. CM Punk is on his way (back) to AEW. Except this time, he’s kind of gaslighting his way there. Which is strange for someone who once hated leaks to the wrestling media so much he decided…

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn crash the party

On a night and weekend that is meant to celebrate the sheer enormity of WWE–the bombast, the cultural reach, the money, the sheer scale of it all–it was two guys who made their names in various, darkly lit auditoriums and armories and bingo…