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Post-Roe, Her Facebook Group Went Viral

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, Veronica Risinger started what she thought would be a tiny Facebook group for her neighbors in Kansas City., Mo., to share resources for people seeking abortions.But Risinger’s phone…

The biggest privacy risks in post-Roe America

For millions of Americans, finding abortion services in the US just became a legal minefield. With the Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday, suddenly “how to find an abortion” is a lot more complicated than a simple Google search. Abortion…

A Post-Roe America

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, more than 20 states — home to roughly half the country’s population — are likely to outlaw nearly all abortions. For women living in Mississippi, the closest place to receive a legal abortion…