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plan c

Plan C Spring 2024 Ready-to-Wear Collection

Carolina Castiglioni introduced denim for resort, signaling that her Plan C offer is in expansion mode. She also smoothed the edges of the collection’s utilitarian feel to pursue a more sophisticated approach. Although done subtly, it was a…

Plan C Fall 2023 Ready-to-Wear Collection

Carolina Castiglioni softened Plan C’s edges for fall, giving a feminine, softer spin to the collection. Do not expect any twist to the girly though, as Castiglioni kept her workwear-inspired, utility-oriented ethos in place; she just amped…

Plan C Fall 2022 Ready-to-Wear Collection

Carolina Castiglioni isn’t exactly keen to talk references or to give hints about the inspirations and subtexts underpinning her collections. She bets on her own world and her own style; every season, she returns to her preferred set of…