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OAMC Fall 2023 Menswear Collection

“If I was really going to go to the mountains and use things for their real purpose, I’d go to the specialist,” said Luke Meier of the pervasiveness of utilitarian design in menswear, some of which he often offers himself both at OAMC and…

OAMC Spring 2023 Menswear Collection

“I’m a West-Canadian guy,” Luke Meier said on a Zoom about his spring 2023 lineup for OAMC. Since the pandemic, Meier’s roots have become a bigger factor in his work at the cult menswear label. “As I think about what I want to do with my…

OAMC Fall 2022 Menswear Collection

“We started in a more clinical way and we ended up exploring a more natural feeling,” said Luke Meier, summing up the spirit of his OAMC fall collection, striking an attractive balance between the label’s tailored workwear roots and a…