Browsing Tag

lack of sleep

Memory Loss: When Should You Be Worried?

Have you ever forgotten where you left your keys or whether you locked your home before leaving? Who hasn’t, right? But, how often does it happen? Is it a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing or an everyday occurrence? Is it a simple lapse of…

5 Harmful Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation or disturbed sleeping patterns could cause several health issues. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), approximately one in every three American adults does not get enough sleep. Interruptions to…

These 4 Tips Can Help You Fight Acne Issues

There is no shortcut to success and this applies for all those who need to combat their acne troubles. It may so seem that acne shows up at the worst times: when you just need it gone immediately. Unfortunately, there is no magic eraser to…