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Stretches for calves: 5 best ones to try

Stretches for calves can relieve tightness, enhance range of motion, ease muscle tension, and improve your overall lower body flexibility as well. Your calves consist of two muscles, namely the soleus, and gastrocnemius, both of which are…

Paresthesia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Do you ever experience a burning, tingling, or numb sensation in certain parts of your body? If yes, then you might have paresthesia, commonly called pins and needle sensation. This sensation usually occurs in the arms and legs, but other…

Oregano Oil: Benefits, Uses, and More

Oregano oil is a powerful herb that has been used for thousands of years. In fact, it's one of the oldest medicinal herbs known to man. While oregano oil has many uses, including being an anti-fungal and anti-microbial agent, its most…

How to Improve Poor Digestion in Winters

Are you looking for ways to improve poor digestion? You have landed in the correct place! Most likely, when you think of winter, you envision cozying up by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of buttery cookies. In truth, a…