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World Sleep Day 2023: 4 Dietary Myths That Have No Impact On Your Sleep Cycle
Let’s explore six such dietary myths that have no impact on your sleep cycleWhile there are several factors that influence the quality of our sleep, our diet is often considered to be a crucial aspectSleep is an essential aspect of our…
The Benefits Of Regularly Checking Blood Glucose Levels With A Glucose Meter
The majority of people with poorly controlled diabetes, feel well in themselves and have no symptoms for a long time until complications occurChoose to test regularly and choose your test wisely. Ditch the ostrich attitude and take the…
Does Water Lower Glucose Levels In the Body? Experts Weigh In
Last Updated: March 06, 2023, 11:20 ISTThe Global Diabetes Community also claims likewise that water does not contain carbs or calories.You can also try other water-based and less-sugary beverages like Lemonade, and coconut water.A glass of…
Apple Watch Could One Day Help Users Track Their Blood Glucose Level: What It Means
Last Updated: February 24, 2023, 07:45 ISTApple Watch with a blood glucose monitor could be a gamechangerApple Watch has become a vital health tool on their wrist and soon it could take the focus to another level.Apple has taken a big lead…
Apple Reportedly Makes Advances in Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring
The Apple Watch, much like other smartwatches, has risen in popularity due to a range of health monitoring features that the wearable device offers. Smartwatches have been seen equipped with sensors to track heart rate, blood oxygen, and…
Apple makes major progress on no-prick blood glucose tracking for its Watch
Apple Inc. has a moonshot-style project underway that dates back to the Steve Jobs era: noninvasive and continuous blood glucose monitoring.The goal of this secret endeavor — dubbed E5 — is to measure how much glucose is in someone’s body…
‘Tiny but mighty’ gene fragments are crucial for maintaining blood glucose levels:…
When cells copy DNA to produce RNA transcripts, they include only some chunks of genetic material known as exons and throw out the rest. The resulting product is a fully-mature RNA molecule, which can be used as a template to build a…
Protein Or Carbs? What Should Be Eaten First To Avoid Unnecessary Glucose Spike, Know From An Expert
Last Updated: January 30, 2023, 08:00 ISTFollowing a proper order might not only help in keeping the body’s sugar level in control but also help one to reduce signs of ageing, body weight, and unnecessary hormone fluctuation. (Image:…
Study shows elderly diabetics struggle with high-tech blood glucose monitors
Study shows elderly diabetics struggle with high-tech blood sugar trackers which the NHS has offered some 400,000 Britons with the diseaseContinuous glucose monitors keep track of a patient's blood sugar levels The information…