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Damian Lillard

The case against fandom

Welcome to Deadspin’s The Sports Nihilist, where all is for naught and we are but accidental jolts of electrified meat stuck to the surface of a rock in an indifferent universe. Fuck you.Which top 5 draft pick is most likely to be a bust? |…

Redefining what it means to be a unicorn

“Unicorn” is up there with “new normal” and “positionless basketball” as far as terms I would love to see removed from my brain. Any big man with guard skills is dubbed a unicorn, and we’re led to believe the NBA is a mythical universe…

Damian Lillard’s 71 felt hollow

Damian Lillard is the NBA’s Sisyphus, the ball his boulder.Photo: APIf a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around, does it make a sound? What if it drops 71? That age-old question describes how empty Damian Lillard’s explosion of points