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Korean Singer Choi Sung Bong Dies At 33

<!-- -->The singer was found dead by police at his homeKorean singer Choi Sung-bong, who rose to fame after taking second place in Korea's Got Talent in 2011, has died by suicide, Seoul police said on Wednesday. He was 33.The singer…

Eudon Choi Resort 2024 Collection

Among Eudon Choi’s well-established signatures—deconstructed tailoring, clever adjustable details, wonky shirting—one of the most reliable is his eye for a pop of show-stopping color. Which is why the most striking thing when first looking…

Eudon Choi Pre-Fall 2023 Collection

For all the slick, studied pragmatism of Eudon Choi’s clothes, the designer also knows how to tell a story, whether that be subtle nods to a film he recently discovered, or weaving the vivid colors of his latest holiday destination into his…