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Champions League games

All you can do is marvel at Erling Haaland

Erling HaalandPhoto: Getty ImagesUnless you’re decked out in blue, there has been an overwhelming sense of unfairness in the English Premier League this season. We already had the richest club in the world, with the best manager, the best…

It’s Hollywood FC now

Gareth BalePhoto: Getty ImagesThe idea of MLS as a retirement home has been a misnomer for a while. While the league might not pull in the biggest players in the world in their prime, it certainly isn’t waiting around until they can’t move…

Orange ball!

Pictured: Ball, but orangePhoto: API can’t tell you why I and other soccer fans (which might just be my one friend) love it when the orange ball makes an appearance. Probably because it’s just so rare. Or maybe because it kind of looks like…

Houdini, thy name is Ole Gunnar

Yay, me.Image: Getty ImagesWhile most every Manchester United supporter you know will scream at you about what a sneaky good manager Ole Gunnar Solskjær is, and certainly never in a tone or volume that will make you think they’re trying to…