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Barnaby Joyce

MP’s text blow-up over bizarre video

Leaked texts from a Nationals group chat left egg on the face of one MP - who proceeded to angrily confront Barnaby Joyce in parliament.Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was confronted on the floor of parliament by a “furious” Michael…

Nationals compare selves to ‘fight club’

The Nationals will not be drawn on what the 2050 net zero climate policy will look like, saying the process is subject to cabinet and cannot be discussed.Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie has likened the party to “fight club”, as she came…

Call to ban popular Bunnings product

There are growing calls for hardware giant Bunnings to ban a product that has been a popular buy, especially in the past six months.Australia’s largest bird conservation group is calling on Bunnings Warehouse to ban a popular poison range…

Net zero payout slammed

Claims that the Nationals will be paid out with $250 billion by the government for agreeing to net zero have been slammed.Resource Minister Keith Pitt has slammed down suggestions that convincing the Nationals party to agree to net zero…

‘Embarrassment’: Lambie slams Barnaby

Outspoken politician Jacqui Lambie claims Barnaby Joyce has embarrassed Australians.Outspoken Senator Jacqui Lambie has come out guns blazing at Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce for dragging his feet on the Net Zero negotiations. Senator…

‘Your mob’: Barnaby blows up at ABC host

Deputy Prime Minster Barnaby Joyce fired up at ABC Breakfast host Michael Rowland in a heated TV interview about net zero.Barnaby Joyce has hit back at an ABC host after the Nationals leader came under fire for his party failing to reach a…