Laxman Utekar: Vicky Kaushal will have a contrasting look in Sambhaji movie titled ‘Chhawa’ | Hindi Movie News – Times of India
Vicky Kaushalwill play the titular role in this period drama, which will be starkly different from the actor’s later collaboration with Laxman – ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’.“Yes, indeed, he will be seen in a very contrasting look,” quips Laxman Utekar. This historic drama will focus on the contributions ofChhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj towards the Maratha empire and to Maharashtra at large. Giving an update about the same, Laxman Utekar added, “Scripting is done and we have narrated the same to Vicky. He loved it. In fact, we have started the pre-production of the film. We are going to begin the shoot in September and it will continue for around five to six months.”
With this project, Laxman Utekar aims to introduce the country to the contributions made by Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj on a grand scale. He added, “I am a Maharashtrian, but throughout my life I have been working in the Hindi film industry. I did make two Marathi movies. But when you see a movie on a bigger scale, every director would want the entire country to watch their film and not just a regional state. So even I have the same thought with this film.”
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