Kinnars bargain for a big sum from newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt! Details inside – Times of India
A source exclusively revealed to ETimes, “The Kinnars were offered big sum of cash but they demanded three times more, so Ranbir’s security person took back the packet of money. They are going to bring back a revised offering for blessings. The sum involved in cited to be Rs 30,000 and the revised one may be around Rs 90,000.”
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tied the knot at their residence in Bandra. The couple took only four pheras. Revealing details about the rituals, Alia’s half-brother Rahul Bhatt told BT, “The Pandit ji was very particular about the rituals. And then there were the senior members of Kapoors and Bhatts telling Pandit ji aise karna hai or waise karna hai. After all film family hai na… like my dad he suddenly became a film director there as if he is directing a film. But Pandit ji was hell bent. So only four pheras happened and the Pandit ji explained the tatpariya also. I was listening to it carefully… one phera was around dharam, one around santaan, one for karam and so on.”
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