A PSA from Emilia Clarke: Stop Thinking So Much About Looking Beautiful
Do you have any other secret lash tips? Do you curl them before you do mascara?
Yeah, I always curl my lashes. I have one of those mirrors that you can put flat on a surface in front of you—so it’s facing the ceiling—and I actually look down at it as I apply my mascara, really thinking about getting it to the end of my lashes. l apply it underneath my lashes as most people do, but then I add a coat on top of my lashes, as well.
Okay, I’m trying it the Emilia way next time I do my makeup! It’s interesting because I think a lot of people have begun to think of their makeup or skincare regimens as self-care, especially in the past year and a half or so. Do you have any other wellness or self-care practices you rely on to de-stress or stay centered?
Yes, so I sound really virtuous when I say this, but I really do it. Every morning I meditate for 10 minutes and then I do about 15 minutes of yoga. It’s just from my memory, and it’s a routine I put together that really works for me. I’m not doing it to get a sweat on, I’m literally doing it to awaken my body, make sure I’m breathing properly, get out all of my crooks or tweaks I might have from sleeping awkwardly. And the meditation… I just need it to re-set my brain and to start the day in the calmest way possible.
Completely, especially these days when the first thing we typically look at when we wake up is a screen or social media.
Yes, exactly.
Okay, switching gears here a bit! As an actor, you’ve been able to experiment with so many different beauty looks via the characters you’ve portrayed—what’s been the most fun?
I mean, Daenerys! She’s the most consistent one I think. [Laughs] I mean, getting to wear that wig and having all that glorious hair. Getting to have dragons! And getting to be so very far away from me was just a joy from start to finish.
I think every single person would love to be Daenerys for a day [Laughs]. But also…I don’t think there is a person on this planet who doesn’t have serious eyebrow envy when it comes to your brows—do you have any top grooming tips? Were you like the rest of us and did you ever completely over-pluck?
No, so my mum brought me up with very strict brow regimens in that I wasn’t allowed to touch them AT all. I didn’t tweeze them, I didn’t do anything with them. I now thread them to, you know, make sure I don’t have a unibrow or start looking like Elmo and to just get the little strays or whatever. But I just brush them and that’s it.
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