Human nature is never okay with imperfections. Never satisfied with our body weight, never liking how our skin appears, always considering options that can make us look better, we are habitual of striving for perfection. But is it that bad?
Well, it isn’t. Because in the end, our struggles with imperfections make us make efforts for our betterment. Women are generally more concerned about their beauty when it comes to considering their appearance. With no exception, everyone wants to have clear and flawless skin.
I remember my friend who went to a dermatologist for PAF Hospital Islamabad because her skin didn’t glow naturally. Many things can take a toll on our skin health and its appearance. These imperfections such as acne, blackheads, pigmentation etc. can negatively impact your skin health. One such problem is the appearance of dark circles around our eyes.
7 Ways to get rid of Dark Circles
Dark circles can make your skin look unappealing. You will hear people telling you to sleep more and eat nutritionally sufficient foods. No matter what is the cause of dark circles no one wants them. You can find many ways to treat dark circles, from home remedies to serums, there are hundreds of options in the market. However, based on my knowledge here are the ways that can help you to get rid of dark circles.
1- Cold compress
The use of cold and heat has its recognized role in the treatment of pain and inflammation. Dark circles can also be treated by using the cold compress method. It is advisable to apply a cold pack for a few minutes and keep it on your eyes to get rid of dark circles. This is probably the easiest and effective method to treat the problem of dark circles.
2- Rosewater
How soothing it even sounds? Rosewater having its pleasurable smell is your go-to solution for dark circles. Rosewater is a mild astringent and it can help to remove dark circles present around your eyes. You can take cotton or soak your makeup remover pads in rose water and keep them on your dark circles while keeping your eyelids closed.
3- Use cucumber
We have often seen on TV and in advertisements that people are putting cucumbers on their eyes. Do you think it is an effective way to treat eye health problems? Yes, it can. The use of cucumber is effective in the treatment of dark circles. You can take fresh cucumbers and cut them into slices and place those cucumber slices on your eyes to relieve the problem of dark circles.
4- Cold tea bags
You might believe it or not, but placing cold tea bags on your dark circles can help you. This takes in green tea as it’s rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. All these things count for the role of a dark circle removing method. Just boil tea bags in water and put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes until they become cold. After that place, these cold tea bags on your eyes to soothe the capillaries present around your eyes area.
5- Cold milk
Next on the list comes cold milk. Milk has been used for ages to promote your skin health and in a similar manner use of cold milk can help your dark circles. Milk is a rich source of many important vitamins and minerals and it can keep your skin fresh and young. Just like rose water, you can soak a cotton ball in cold milk and put it in dark circles. Put the cotton ball for 5-10 minutes and then rinse your eyes with plain water.
6- Coconut oil
Coconut oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties as the next when it comes to the treatment of dark circles. So, gently rub olive oil around your dark circles before going to bed as it can help to remove the dark circles, said a renowned dermatologist from Quaid e Azam Hospital. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin R and can be your one go solution for dark circles.
7- Get proper sleep
Your sleeping pattern affects the appearance of dark circles to a greater extent. Not sleeping enough or the inability to sleep peacefully can widen your dark circles. Thus, it is better to sleep sufficiently. If you have trouble sleeping, monitor your blue light exposure, use aromatherapy and limit your daytime naps to sleeping better during the night.
Bottom Line!
Dark circles can affect your skin and make you look old. To protect your health, not only do you need to eat and sleep well alongside proper skin care. If you are suffering from the problem, follow these methods to get rid of dark circles. If nothing seems to work for you, then visit a dermatologist for getting the right treatment.